Rallio – Social Media for Franchises, Small & Local Business


Top 5 Social Media Growth Hacks for 2020

So you took the time to set up your social media pages for your business. Great work! What happens next is critical to your social media success, and you’ll need the right growth hacks to make an impact.

Keep in mind, the single most important factors for your social media success are still:

  • Posting local content
  • Boosting content

You’ll need to keep doing both of those things even as you implement the growth hacks we suggest below. Essentially, all of these hacks should circle back to local content and boosted posts.

Obviously, there’s a lot more to talk about as far as local content and boosting. We suggest you read some of our other articles on these topics as well, such as:

In the meantime, try out the growth hacks below to take your social media presence from “meh” to great.

Growth Hack #1: Activate Employees and Micro-Influencers

The trends don’t lie: Nowadays, you have to get employees and micro-influencers involved with promoting your brand. Social media audiences are more likely to trust content and recommendations that don’t come directly from the brand itself.

You can activate these brand advocates in several different ways:

  • Partner with micro-influencers who have an established social media following. It doesn’t need to be huge, and they don’t need to be celebrities. In fact, content coming from “regular” people who have a moderate following will tend to be viewed as more trustworthy. When they promote your brand, they reach all of their followers — people you might not have reached if you tried to promote to them directly.
  • The same principle applies to your employee advocates. When they post about your brand, they reach all of their own personal friends and followers — again, people you otherwise might not have been able to access.
  • Formalize an advocacy program that enables your advocates to either share brand-approved assets or post about your brand. Rallio’s leaderboard and advocacy tools make it easy to track progress and reward your advocates.

Learn more: rallio.com


Growth Hack #2: Go Live

While Facebook and Instagram “live” features have been around for some time, they’ve become even more important and useful during the pandemic. This trend isn’t going away, and the sooner you take advantage, the quicker you can grow. Consider the following:

  • Businesses that have had to close their physical doors have been able to maintain or grow by going live. In-person classes, concerts and other happenings became virtual events with captive audiences that are using social media all day long.
  • Live video had already been growing in popularity before the pandemic, and the trend is only going to accelerate. Entrepreneur reports, “Go Globe estimates that as much as 82 percent of online traffic will be dedicated to live video by the end of 2020.
  • Getting your live video strategy up and running will help you immediately start appealing to your audience while also setting you up for success going forward. Even if and when COVID-19 is no longer a global and local threat, you will want to prepare for the possibility of future disruptions to business — it’s not out of the realm of possibility, as this pandemic has taught us. 

Learn more: 25 Live Video Stats Marketers Need to Know in 2020

Growth Hack #3: Mention Other Accounts

When you post, tag and mention other accounts and influencers whenever possible. When you employ this strategy correctly, you’ll strengthen relationships with key accounts and foster new connections. Keep the following points in mind to avoid any missteps:

  • Don’t simply mention a brand out of the blue just to try and get attention. Your mentions should be authentic. The simplest method is to mention your employee and brand advocates anytime they mention you. Repost their content in stories, highlight them in posts, basically return the favor when they post about your brand. This reciprocity helps you build a relationship and builds confidence among your influencers by rewarding them for their mentions.
  • You can also mention other non-competing brands when it’s a product or service you actually use and swear by. Again, don’t just mention for the sake of mentioning.


Growth Hack #4: Get Involved in Conversations

When you post something, don’t think of it as a “mic drop” moment where you walk away and never have to return to that post again. Monitoring comments and interacting with your audience as they post is one of the simplest growth hacks — and you might actually enjoy it! Things to think about:

  • When someone comments and you comment back, not only does it help to build relationships, but it also improves your engagement on the account. When there’s an increase in engagement on posts for a page, your posts will get more visibility, particularly if you’re boosting content.
  • As a busy business owner, you might not have the time to dedicate to social media conversations. Rallio has Social Strategists who are dedicated to this very task, so you can always outsource to us if you want to make sure those important conversations don’t get missed.

Growth Hack #5: Check Up on Your Competitors

Your competitors presumably have social media pages — if they don’t, well, then you’re the one staying ahead of the game. Find out what they’re doing on social media so you can use that intel to inform your own strategy:

  • Navigate to Facebook’s Ad Library and search your competitors by name. You can also access a page’s ad history by navigating directly to their Facebook page; look for the Page Transparency link. Facebook will show you what ads they have running currently or ran in the past, the amount spent, impressions, demographics and other information about the ads. While you won’t know the results of these ads, you can at least get an idea of their advertising strategy. 
  • Bear in mind that you don’t have to do things exactly the way your competitors are. You might see their ads and think, “Hmm, I can do that better” (you probably can!). You might even see that they’re not running any ads at all (it does happen)! The goal is not necessarily to duplicate your competitors, but to discover your competitive advantage and differentiators.

Bonus Hack #6: Think Bigger

Your social media pages have the potential to help you grow your business if you maximize their potential. 

The growth hacks above will help you step outside your comfort zone and try things a little bit differently. It might just be the little extra push needed to help you grow your business the way you want it to.


Reopening Your Business? 7 Social Media Strategies to Keep — Plus 1 to Ditch Forever

We’re all seeing signs of life in the economy as businesses start to reopen — an encouraging indicator of impending normalcy. If your business is preparing to reopen, you may be wondering which COVID-19 social media strategies to keep and which ones to ditch. 

That’s just one question among many in this new business climate. As the U.S. Chamber of Commerce states in its reopening guide: “The businesses that will survive and thrive are the ones that can be flexible and adaptable to consumers’ new and evolving needs. You’ll need to plan carefully and understand not only what may need to change about your business, but what new growth opportunities may exist for you in a post-pandemic world.”

We recommend combing through the U.S. Chamber’s guide for more detailed suggestions on reopening. In the meantime, as far as the changes go in the realm of social media, we’ve recommended some “keepers” below. These changes have been implemented by many of the businesses we coach, and you may want to make these changes permanent.


Curbside Pickup or Home Delivery

The COVID-19 crisis forced businesses to pivot how they do business. Curbside pickup and touch-free home deliveries are strategies that have helped many businesses to keep their doors open. 

With touch-free options, you may have had to implement:

  • Ecommerce systems
  • Fulfillment processing, free shipping and home delivery
  • More advanced text messaging and email alerts to communicate order status
  • Third-party delivery systems

Keep offering these options to your customers for the foreseeable future —  even if your business is able to open its doors for a broader range of services. Many customers are still not going to want to step foot in public places for any length of time.

How to incorporate touch-free options in your social media strategy: 

  • Tout your touch-free options with photos and videos explaining how customers can safely access your products and services. 
  • Snap photos of delivery drivers getting ready to make local deliveries, or employees bringing orders out to customers’ vehicles.
  • Create a Facebook offer with free shipping and boost it.

By the way, these types of white-glove services go a long way toward building customer loyalty — which brings us to … 

Customer Service That Goes Above and Beyond

Going the extra mile for customers has become even more important today. Taking the time to listen to their needs and respond to them sets you apart from the rest.

Online reviews, direct messages and social media comments are often the first place customers go to air their concerns or their praise. Even after the pandemic has died down, you’ll still need to make sure you’re offering customer service that goes above and beyond.

How to incorporate great customer service in your social media strategy:

  • Respond to every comment, question and review. Rallio gives you a dashboard to make it easy to see everything in one place. Don’t want to manage it yourself? Outsource the work to our Rallio Local team of experts.
  • Set up auto-responders on Facebook for frequently asked questions.
  • Feature your customer testimonials in social media posts. Ideally, have a picture or a video of your customer with their positive reviews.

Learn more: How to Reopen Your Small Business Safely

Reputation Management

Along the same lines of customer service, reputation management ensures you’re not only responding to feedback, but also being proactive with getting reviews. Customers are relying on these reviews to decide where to shop and which businesses are worth their money.

A lot of the work of getting a customer to buy from you is already done before you even make contact with them. If they visit your pages or review platforms and see negative comments, they’ll likely move along to the next business. So if you’ve done the work to manage your reputation properly, the good will outweigh the bad and you’ll earn their business.

How to incorporate reputation management in your social media strategy:

  • Ask for feedback after a sale. Our Revv app makes it easy to generate reviews and resolve any negative customer experiences.
  • Be personable, friendly and helpful in your social media posts. Don’t argue with customers or get into a word battle online.
  • Use feedback to improve your business. When you make those improvements, share the news with your followers.


Sanitizing Protocols

It goes without saying that customers want to see stepped-up sanitization at your business. You’re likely already implementing enhanced protocols that follow CDC and any local guidelines.

Before welcoming the public back into your location, naturally you’ll need to have a system in place for cleaning and disinfection of your facility. If you’re requiring masks for employees and customers, make sure everyone understands what’s expected. And of course, keep your facility spotless to keep everyone safe.

Additionally, you may have had to implement stringent return policies, i.e., temporarily not accepting returns and/or extending return policies for retail goods. 

The key, as far as social media goes, is communication of your policies and procedures. Keep driving home the message that you’re making it as safe as possible to visit your location. 

How to incorporate sanitizing protocols in your social media strategy:

  • Create a video explaining how you’re cleaning the facility.
  • Communicate your mask policy and whether you’re providing masks for those who don’t have them.
  • Communicate what your current return policy is so no one is surprised when returning merchandise.


Virtual Formats

Many businesses switched to virtual formats to continue offering services amid the pandemic. We’ve seen fitness businesses offering livestreaming via Facebook Live and Zoom. Tutors are providing online education in place of in-person tutoring. Everywhere you turn, businesses are figuring out how to reach their audience in a virtual way.

Many customers have discovered the convenience and safety of staying home while still getting the services they need and want. As a business, you may have discovered a whole new line of business by offering virtual services. 

How to incorporate virtual formats in your social media strategy:

  • Use Facebook Live to offer classes, educational services, how-to tutorials and more. You can also use Zoom in cases where you want to be able to see your customers and vice versa.
  • Continue to get creative with your virtual offerings. How about virtual tours, wine tastings, happy hours, shopping events and guest speakers?
  • Create Facebook events for your virtual events. Promote them beforehand with your target audience. Your guests will get reminders on the day of the event to join.

Employee Advocacy

Maybe you’ve been highlighting the great work your employees are doing throughout the pandemic. Or perhaps you had to temporarily lay off employees, and now you’re preparing to welcome them back. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to keep showing gratitude for the people helping to keep your business running — from employees to suppliers.

How to incorporate employee advocacy in your social media strategy:

  • Spotlight your employees in social media posts. Tell your followers why they’re so great!
  • Empower your employees to share about your business on their personal social media pages. The Rallio platform makes it easy to share brand-approved content through these extended networks.
  • Invite employees to submit assets like in-store photos and videos. Again, the Rallio platform simplifies this process.

Hyper-Local Social Media

Your audience responds to real-life, hyper-local photos and videos more so than they ever will with any type of “stock” content. If you’ve been following our best practices that we recommend to all brands, then you may already have seen an uptick in engagement, reach and followers.

How to incorporate hyper-local content in your social media strategy:

  • Keep posting real photos and videos of the managers, employees and customers who make your business possible.
  • Focus on building relationships with your followers, not selling them your products and services.
  • Boost your content to expand your reach.

Hyper-local content improves engagement and reach on social media.

1 Social Media Strategy to Ditch Forever: Boring Content

You’ll notice in all of the strategies above, none of them includes boring content. By boring, we mean stock photos, sales pitches, promotional posts, posts without images, captions that don’t inspire engagement and, generally, any type of snooze-worthy dribble.

The pandemic has made it abundantly clear that accounts posting engaging content consistently outperform those that focus on self-promotion. Ditch the boring content and implement our best practices to see greater success with your social media strategy.

Read more: The 6 Most Important Social Media Metrics to Track for ROI