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Spring Clean Your Social Media in 4 Easy Steps

Social media can be a powerful tool for your company. However, if you haven’t spruced up your social accounts in a while, it’s time to take out your spray bottle and squeegee and get to work. Take a look at four quick ways to spring clean your social media accounts, and get your social media marketing working even harder for you as we head into the summer months.

1. Update Your Branding

You may be tempted to use a selfie for your profile photo, but that’s not the best way to make a great impression on your audience. Use a professional logo that highlights your brand and helps people recognize you wherever they see it. Be sure to use the same photo across all of your profiles so your audience can easily recognize you, no matter the platform. “This not only ensures consistent branding but also helps make it easier for people to recognize you when they see your profile image on each of the different social media platforms,” notes Social Media Today.

2. Secure Accounts

Review the access and privileges across your accounts. Remove any employees who are no longer with your business, and make sure all current employees have access only to the information they need to do their jobs well. This way, you can avoid inadvertently giving them too much access, a recipe for problems down the road.

For current employees you wish to give access to your Facebook page, you have the following options for page roles:

  • Admin. This is the highest level of access; admins have the ability to manage all aspects of a Facebook page, including creating ads and viewing analytics.
  • Editor. This is one step below an admin; an editor can do everything an admin can except assign page roles.
  • Moderator. A moderator has more limited access; while they cannot post content, they can respond to messages and comments, create ads, and see Facebook insights, for example.
  • Advertiser. As the name implies, an advertiser can create ads and view insights.
  • Analyst. An analyst has the least amount of access; they are restricted to viewing insights and cannot create ads or post to the page. An analyst view can be helpful if you want a third-party expert to look at your campaigns without giving them access to your page.
  • Custom page roles. A combination of roles as per your specifications.

Related: 5 Ways to Use Social Media Marketing to Promote Your Franchise

3. Audit

If you’re looking for ideas on how to improve your social media marketing strategy, you might be wondering what to do with all of those old posts. Though it may be tempting to delete them and make way for new content, there’s a lot of valuable insight that can be gained from reviewing past posts. Check out posts from the past and ask yourself:

  • Which topics are resonating the most with my audience?
  • What kind of content do my followers respond best to?
  • How many people did I reach?   
  • How many likes or shares did each post get?
  • Do people comment on or share my posts? If not, why? If so, what makes this post so engaging?
  • Did any of my posts go viral or get picked up by other blogs?   
  • Did any of them end up being featured on other sites (for example, did one of my photos get used by an influencer)?   
  • Did any of my articles rank well in Google search?
  • Which posts have outstayed their welcome?
  • Which channels drove the most traffic and conversions? Which ones underperformed?
  • What types of images work best? What captions work best? Are there any themes in my photos that might make sense as a series of posts?
  • How many times per day should I post (and at what times)? How often does my audience engage with my content across platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)? How do these numbers compare to competitors?

Yes, this is a long list of questions, but it’s necessary to answer them all as you’re working to spring-clean your social media.

4. Set New Goals

Based on the insights and analytics you see on your social media posts, you can use that information to make your new content even better. Take a look at your existing key performance indicators to set new goals that will take your social media marketing to the next level. The most basic KPIs are related to engagement and follower growth, such as:

  • Number of likes and saves
  • Number of shares
  • Number of comments
  • Number of new followers

There are also more advanced KPIs that can help you get even more insight into how people interact with your content and what they think about it, including:

  • Unique visits. This metric tells you how many different people visited your site from your social media posts. If you have multiple sites or landing pages linked to from your social media accounts and want to know how many people visited each one in total, this is the KPI for you.
  • Brand awareness. Reach and impressions are two of the most popular metrics used to measure brand awareness. These measures indicate how many people saw your posts, but they don’t tell you whether or not anyone actually saw them. To measure brand awareness, you’d want to use an image KPI like click-through rate (CTR) or engagement rate.
  • Sales. You can also use social media to drive sales by tracking your conversion rates — the number of people who convert into customers after seeing a particular ad or promotion on social media — and ROI (return on investment). Your conversion rates will vary depending on your industry and audience but should be tracked across all platforms so you have a good idea about what works best for your business.

Spring Clean Your Social Media for Better Results

Use these four tips to take a fresh look at your social accounts and spring clean your social media marketing, especially if it’s been a while since you analyzed your accounts. By doing this, you can make sure your efforts are as effective as possible both now and for the remainder of the year. If you need any extra tips as you spring clean your social media, reach out to our experts via support@rallio.com and we’ll help you get on track.