Rallio – Social Media for Franchises, Small & Local Business


21 Quick Ways to Start Blogging Now

Have you ever thought about starting a blog but stopped short anytime you sat down to write? Whether due to other distractions, procrastination or just plain old writer’s block, there will always be times when the words don’t flow freely from your fingertips.

I can relate. I get busy with a ton of different things, and suddenly I can’t seem to come up with one decent blog topic, much less sit down and write something. Because I feel your pain, I’m taking the time today to write up a quick list of blog topic ideas. This is as much for me as it is for you, folks.

Why Blog?

First, a quick word about why any of this matters. If you have no blog or if your blog hasn’t been updated in weeks or months, you risk falling short on your marketing goals, harming your brand’s image, and losing out on opportunities to engage with your audience and prospects. Or if your blog posts are primarily sales pitches for your products and services, people aren’t likely to read them and engage with them.

Your blog’s primary goal is not to sell, at least not in the direct sense. It’s there to build your credibility, instill confidence in your brand and show customers why they should do business with you. Much like your social media pages, your blog should solidify relationships with your audience and establish you as the go-to expert in your field.

So yeah, blogging matters. Moving on.

[bctt tweet=”Your blog’s primary goal is not to sell. #blogging” username=”rallioHQ”]

About Those Ideas …

If you read none of the above, I won’t be offended. Simply cover your eyes, point to the screen and pick any of the following ideas for your next blog post. And then get writing!

#1: Write up a customer success story.

Solicit feedback from customers, and, with permission, write about their successes. You can do a roundup of success stories or go in-depth with one particular customer. Solicit more success stories at the end of your post. You could have an endless supply of content from success stories alone.

#2: Discuss news items or trends.

Is there a current event or trend that may affect your customers (positively or negatively)? Research and write up a list of solutions, an opinion piece or ways to capitalize on a trend. You might even generate a healthy controversy or discussion that gets people talking!

#3: Pull together a roundup of helpful resources.

Let’s say your business caters to new moms. What are the best blogs, books, websites and community resources for them? That kind of information gets shared over and over again.

#4: Review products or services.

Is there a product or service out there that complements your own? Contact that company, and offer to write a review about it on your blog. The company might even send you something for free in exchange for your honest review. Tip: If you plan to include any affiliate links in your blog, it’s a good idea to let readers know you may be compensated for purchases originating from your site. Keeps things honest! Here’s some more information about promoting affiliate links and monetizing your blog.

#5: Write an FAQ.

Readers have questions. You’ve got answers. A thousand words later, voila! You have a blog post.


#6: Create a video post or a podcast.

Videos are more popular than ever. Discuss a topic of interest to your audience, give a sneak preview of forthcoming products or services, or broadcast from an event.

#7: Create an infographic related to your industry. Dig up facts and figures about a topic, and make them look pretty on an attractive visual. Be sure to share the infographic on all your social channels, especially Pinterest.

#8: Attend a conference. Write about your experience. What helpful information did you learn that you can share with your audience?

#9: Teach something. Pick a complex topic, and dissect it for readers as a how-to piece or a series of posts.

#10: Discuss your biggest mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes on the path to success, and everyone loves to read about them. Talk about the ways you’ve learned from mistakes and turned things around in your favor. For example, this article details 17 Biggest Mistakes That Killed Deals on Shark Tank.

#11: Get personal. Go behind the scenes to show a glimpse at your real life outside your business. Discuss how your personal life influences your business life, say, if you are inspired by your children to be successful.

#12: Spotlight your customers. Create a regular feature where you highlight your customers and why they are special to your business. Include a snapshot or two!

#13: Offer tips and tricks. You don’t have to do complete “how to” pieces if you don’t want to. Simply write up a list of tips on getting the most out of your product or using your services in different ways.

[bctt tweet=”#BlogTopic idea #13: Offer tips and tricks. #blogging” username=”rallioHQ”]

#14: Get inspiring. Write a post about why you do what you do. Use your words to inspire readers to pursue passions of their own.

#15: Interview someone. Whether it’s a celebrity, an employee or an expert in your industry, you can email a list of questions to somebody influential and then write up their answers. Here’s a blog with several celebrity interviews to give you some ideas.

#16: Tell the story of how you got started. Walk your readers through your humble beginnings and how you got where you are today.

#17: Do some good. Volunteer alongside team members for a local charity, such as a food bank. Write about the experience and invite support for the charity in the community.

#18: Thank your mentors. Who are the people who have mentored you on the road to success? Give them kudos and describe what you’ve learned.


#19: Take a poll. Maybe you are considering implementing a new product or service. Ask customers to tell you what they think about your ideas by way of a survey. You can use SurveyMonkey or a similar program to create a poll easily. Later, you can share the results in another blog post. Two for one!

#20: Create a “best of” list. Pick anything related to your business. If you’re the business that caters to new moms, for example, you could create a “Best Family-Friendly Restaurants” post.

[bctt tweet=’#BlogTopic idea #20: Create a “best of” list. #blogging’ username=”rallioHQ”]

#21: Get more mileage out of previous posts. Like the “best of” idea above, this one works for your very own blog. At the end of 2016, for instance, you could write a post highlighting the “Best Posts of 2016.”

What other ideas do you have for blog posts? Let’s help each other out in the comments section.