Rallio – Social Media for Franchises, Small & Local Business


31 Days of Social Media Ideas: Days 16 to 31

Did you catch last week’s post featuring 15 days’ worth of social media content ideas? If not, give it a quick read, and then round out your month with today’s post. Let’s jump right in!

Day 16: Post a poll.
It doesn’t have to be anything formal. It can be as simple as “Which dish are you more likely to try?” along with a photo comparing “A” and “B.” You’d be surprised how eager people are to share their opinions!

Day 17: Use Facebook Live to post a video.
By some estimates, people spend three times longer watching live videos than those that are no longer live. Moreover, live videos are more likely to get pushed up higher in news feeds, giving you even greater exposure. Check out Facebook’s best-practices tips to learn more about this increasingly important feature.



Day 18: Link to a previous blog post.
Grab a link to a post from a month ago, and recycle your content. People may have missed it the first time you posted it. And even if they read it before, they’ve probably forgotten it by now. (I can’t even remember what I read five minutes ago sometimes.)

Day 19: Brand an image.
Create a share-worthy image, and brand it with your logo and website URL. Every time someone shares the image, your brand will get in front of new eyes. See these tips from Social Media Examiner to learn five ways to create images that drive traffic.

Day 20: Post a prediction.
Is the World Cup happening? Predict the winner. A popular sports star is retiring (ahem … Kobe Bryant)? Predict what he will do next. Keep things fairly neutral; political and religious topics are somewhat dangerous territory unless, say, your business happens to center on something political or religious.

Day 21: Link to an infographic.
Head over to Daily Infographic to track down a link to something relevant and useful. Your audience will appreciate your helpfulness! (Hint: Link to it; don’t grab the image and post it on your page unless you have permission from the publisher, or you risk copyright infringement. That goes for any images you post on social media.)

Day 22: Post a review.
Have you read a book or purchased a product recently that your audience might enjoy? Post a few paragraphs about it. (If you want to monetize your content, consider joining an affiliate program such as Amazon’s Associates Program. This blogger swears by it.)

Day 23: Create an “A Day in the Life” post.sport-539472_640
What’s it like to be a chef, a mountain biker, a CEO or whatever it is you do? Post a photo with a quick recap.

Day 24: Post a tip.
Add interest by including a random tip number, such as, “Tip #178: In place of butter, substitute 1/4 cup buttermilk with 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce.”

Day 25: Recommend a business.
Did you have a great experience somewhere? Share the love by give the business a shout-out. Someday, the business might return the favor.

Day 26: Take to Reddit.
The Trending Subreddits page offers a treasure trove of popular topics. Find something funny or interesting, and post a link with your thoughts about it. (Case in point: I just started going down the rabbit hole of “TalesFromRetail” that takes me back to my shoe-selling days. I could have been there for hours, but I’m still wrapping up this post, so, onward.)

Day 27: Share one of your Pinterest boards.
If you don’t have a Pinterest account, get one, and then create boards related to your industry. As a chef, you could pin links to recipes you love and then share a link to that board.

Day 28: Recommend a colleague from LinkedIn.
Who is someone you like and admire with whom you are connected on LinkedIn? Recommend that person! On the LinkedIn platform, you can “endorse” colleagues for specific skills and also write recommendations that live on their profile pages. (Don’t forget to ask for their recommendations, too!)

Day 29: Hold a contest.
If you have a jewelry company, for example, ask readers to post photos of themselves wearing one of your pieces. Tell them you will randomly select a winner to receive a free piece of jewelry. (Just be cautious about how you word things. See this helpful article about ways to keep raffles and contests legal.)

Day 30: Link to a controversial post.
Along the lines of the poll idea above, nothing gets people engaged more than eliciting their opinions about something. Track down a controversial topic that is sure to get your audience talking, and post a link to it with your own (carefully worded, respectful) opinion.

[bctt tweet=”Nothing gets people engaged more than eliciting their opinions about something. via @RallioHQ” via=”no”]

Day 31: Give props.
Turn the spotlight to the unsung heroes in your business: the receptionist who keeps your life from falling apart, the UPS driver who always has a smile for you, the nice coffee-shop neighbor who gives you free coffee every morning, the son or daughter of yours who inspires you every day. Giving credit where credit is due goes a long way toward winning over your audience’s hearts. Of course, include a photo!

There you have it: 31 days of ideas to fill your content calendar to the brim. As always, please add your own great ideas in the comments, because there are infinite possibilities when it comes to churning out monthly content!