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Rallio – Social Media for Franchises, Small & Local Business

Why Your Online Reviews Are More Important Than Ever

We’ve written about the importance of online reviews before, but never before have they been more important than they are right now. As we work to disseminate information that may help our clients and other businesses dealing with COVID-19, we’d be remiss if we didn’t impress upon you how critical it is that you’re getting customer feedback at this time.

With the COVID-19 crisis, customers are relying almost entirely on digital communications and resources to find out information about a business. Are they open? Are they wearing gloves and masks? Do they offer contactless options, pickup, delivery? How about free delivery? These are the types of questions you need to get ahead of right away, in a way that inspires fresh, current reviews about your business.

When your business suddenly relies on nearly 100 percent digital contact with customers and prospects, you need to make sure your online presence is on point. Reviews posted a few months ago don’t mean anything to customers who are looking for the most up-to-date information about a business before they decide to leave the shelter of home or place an order over the phone or online. Let’s look at some of the issues you may be up against and how you can resolve them.

The Problem: You’re Lacking Current Reviews

That’s a real problem because it’s not giving customers the confidence they need in order to give you their business in the here and now. Customers want to know what they can expect today — not three, six or nine months ago. 

And while you may be understandably caught up in the details of running your business right now, maybe even making sure you stay in business and keep your employees, you also have to realize that getting those reviews is the exact thing that’s going to keep you in business as well as help you grow.

Why This Might Be Happening

There can be a few things going on if you’re not getting any new reviews or if you seem to be just getting negative reviews posted:

  1. Google My Business has hit “pause” on the ability for any business to add new reviews due to their own staff shortages related to COVID-19. So even if customers are leaving reviews on this platform, they’re probably not getting published. 
  2. The second reason you might not have new reviews is you’re not asking for them. Many people simply won’t take the time to post a review if you don’t send them a link asking for that immediate feedback. 
  3. When left to their own devices — i.e., you haven’t asked for feedback and customers are simply finding your page on the review platforms — the customers leaving reviews are likely to be the ones who have something negative to say. That means that many of the reviews getting posted could be negative. 

Smartphone online reviewThe Solution 

Provide a way to get feedback that encourages positive reviews. Our Revv app allows you to ask for feedback immediately after a transaction takes place. Customers who have a negative experience, if any, are invited to contact you privately so their concerns can be handled right away. They’re less likely to post a negative review if they’re asked to take the conversation offline and provided with great customer service.

With Revv, customers who have a positive experience are asked to submit a review on their review platform of choice based on where businesses direct them. It gives businesses so much more control over the review process! Rather than rely on customers to go and post positive reviews “just because,” Revv actually asks for those reviews and guides customers to the appropriate platform.

Key Takeaways

If your business is open right now, you can count yourself among the fortunate. Maybe your business is able to be conducted online, or maybe you’re a food business continuing to provide meals to the public and perhaps even to healthcare workers and law enforcement personnel. 

No doubt, your customers are grateful for the products and services you’re continuing to provide. You’re offering some sense of normalcy — you’re an open business! You have an opportunity to shine and provide the best possible service. And you shouldn’t underestimate the kindness with which you’ll be met if you ask your customers to support you by leaving a positive review.

Thank you for your orderWhen you get those great reviews, be sure to thank your customers for them and highlight them on social media. If your customer mentions that James did a great job of getting an order to them quickly and took the proper safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, you can spotlight James on your social media pages. And then boost the post to extend the reach even further!

With Revv, it can become a simple, automated, ongoing cycle of delivering great service to customers, asking for feedback, making your business better as needed if any negative feedback gets submitted, and publicizing the positive feedback on review platforms and social media.

Reach out to to find out how it works and what we can do for your business in particular. We have some affordable options that are helping many businesses continue to grow despite these challenging times.

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